
August is a good time to take a break from routine.  It is the traditional month for taking holidays in Europe.  So the Rogue in me will be taking a few weeks away from posting.  Look for new content starting in September.  Topics will include:

  • making yoga a sustainable business
  • why you are not working hard enough in your postures – no excuses, and…
  • how fighter pilots and Navy SEALS can teach yogis a thing or two.

In the meantime, if you want to read some of my more popular posts, check these out:

A cautionary tale on operating yoga studios”

“Questioning the Mysore Style”

“Apprenticing in Yoga”

“Why you will success with a minimal practice done daily”

Also, I will be leading two workshop on the Moon Sequence (Chandra Krama), designed by Matthew Sweeney, at the Washington Yoga Center.  You can sign up for September 24th or October 22nd.

Vale! (Stay Strong!)